[mkd_dropcaps type=”normal” color=”#c18f59″ background_color=””]S[/mkd_dropcaps]ometimes you may feel as if you need to get a restraining order because of the situation you are in with someone else. It seems to be a difficult decision when it comes to a relationship that is older than 2 years. It is good if you first understand what it is and how it works. Filing for a restraining order may be a stressful experience. However, in the end, the benefits will be worth the effort.
A restraining order is a court order given to prohibit someone from coming near you or contacting you. It is the right option when you feel that you are a victim of harassment or disorderly conduct. The disorderly acts can be gestures, words, or unwanted intrusive acts which may affect the privacy, security, and safety of someone.
The Orange County domestic violence lawyers at Tritt & Tritt can help you with restraining orders. Tritt & Tritt have 26 years of experience protecting the legal rights of people involved with restraining orders.
If you need or have been served with a restraining order, you should seek the legal advice of your attorney at Tritt & Tritt to discuss your legal needs.
The Orange County domestic violence lawyers at Tritt & Tritt can help you with restraining orders. Tritt & Tritt have 26 years of experience protecting the legal rights of people involved with restraining orders.
If you need or have been served with a restraining order, you should seek the legal advice of your attorney at Tritt & Tritt to discuss your legal needs.
Types of Restraining Orders
Different types of restraining orders are used in different situations:
Civil Harassment Restraining Order (CHO)
Temporary Restraining Order (TRO)
Emergency Protective Order (EPO)
Domestic Violence Restraining Order (DVRO)
Criminal Protective Order (No Contact)
Your attorney at Tritt & Tritt can help you decide which type of restraining order fits your situation and smoothly direct the process so that you get the protection you need as soon as possible.
Tritt & Tritt understands that being in a domestic violence situation can be frightening and isolating. We want to help you be safe from violence and to be secure. Do you qualify for a domestic violence restraining order?
A domestic violence restraining order is a court order that helps protect people from abuse or threats of abuse from someone they have a close relationship with.
A person has abused (or threatened to abuse) you
You have a close relationship with that person; you are:
- Married or registered domestic partners
- Divorced or separated
Dating or used to date
- Living together or used to live together (more than roommates)
- Parents together of a child
- OR
- Closely related (parent, child, brother, sister, grandmother, grandfather, in-law).
If you are a parent and your child is being abused, you can also file a restraining order on behalf of your child to protect your child (and you and other family members). If your child is 12 or older, he or she can file the restraining order on his or her own.
If you do not qualify for a domestic violence restraining order, there are other kinds of orders you can ask for:
Your attorney at Tritt & Tritt can best advise you on what to do if you are being harassed or if you need help responding to a restraining order filed against you.
Civil harassment restraining order (can be used for neighbors, roommates, coworkers, or more distant family members like cousins, uncle or aunt, etc.). Find more information on getting a civil harassment restraining order.
Elder or dependent adult abuse restraining order (if the person being abused is 65 or older; or between 18 and 64 and a dependent adult). Find more information on getting an elder or dependent adult abuse restraining order.
Workplace violence restraining order (filed by an employer to protect an employee from violence, stalking, or harassment by another person)
You can file the restraining order against any person whether you have a close relationship with them or not. The person may be a stranger, family member, girlfriend, boyfriend, or friend. It is against anyone who makes you feel uncomfortable through their behavior like physical abuse, too many phone calls, harassment, and threatening actions. When you feel as if your life and/or the lives of your family members are threatened, then it is time to get this order.
You can talk to an attorney about restraining orders, who will give you information on the options you have. No need to waste your time finding a lawyer for your case; you should start by talking with our lawyer in Orange County about restraining orders at Tritt & Tritt. He will guide you on how to use the right wording and the right documentation. In case the order is being filed by a minor, then a legal guardian or parent will have to file the case in their place. To get the order, you will need to prove that you are a victim of any form of harassment from the person.
There are different types of restraining orders such as a criminal protective order; also called no contact. The domestic violence restraining order also called DVRO. An emergency protective order or EPO. A temporary restraining order or TRO. And a civil harassment restraining order or CHO.
The restraining orders attorney will view the case with you, and he will tell you the right type or order to file for. This will help you have a smooth process, and you will get the protection you need.
Being involved in domestic violence can be isolating and frightening. Our lawyers in Orange County will help you to feel secure and safe from any violence. If you are an employer, you can also file for a restraining order if your employee is suffering from harassment, stalking, and violence.
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