Family Support

Best Family Support Attorneys in Orange County
Tritt & Tritt Law Group > Family Support
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[mkd_dropcaps type=”normal” color=”#c18f59″ background_color=””]F[/mkd_dropcaps]amily support is an agreement that is about the spousal support and child support.  The spousal support and child support components are calculated so that the total sum will be a combination of the two.  The reason behind establishing family support is to create deductibility of the child support for state, and federal income for tax purposes which may not exist otherwise.  The family support is deductible under the payee, and it must be treated like taxable income on the recipient’s part.

When it comes to family support, the family support attorney must make sure that courts are aware of all the factors that can affect an order. An attorney is here to assist you in getting all the needed information about expenses and income along with other information related to health, insurance costs, and child care. Such key facts can assist in the decision of how much the family support should be.

Hiring the right family support lawyer in Orange County will give you the boost you need to get everything that is due to you; without having to deal with the complex financial aspects of the divorce on your own.

Our family support lawyers are certified and licensed, and they will meet the high standards you are looking for in your next lawyer.  The attorney will ensure that you are given enough money so that you can care for you and your child or children in the proper way. It’s better for you, not only for short term but in a long run.

Our attorney will ensure that the arrangement that you come up with will be reasonable and in the best interest of the child.  Our lawyer will investigate everything that will help the case and will make sure that you do not miss out.

You can also get help from a Family Support Attorney if the child you are getting custody of has an emotional or physical condition which has to be recognized before the decision.  Since the judge may not be aware of all the aspects of your child’s condition, the family support attorney will get a specialist who can address the issues and ensure that the court is aware of how your life is impacted.

In this way, a family support lawyer in Orange County will be certain that the support you get will cover the financial care and services needed by your child.
When it comes to getting your family support lawyer, look no further than Tritt & Tritt Family Law Firm. We have 26 years of experience that help us help you get what you and your family deserve. The family support is for both the spouse and the child, it is based on the monthly income of the person giving it and the time that the child will spend at each parent’s house.

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Do you need help with family law and divorce cases in Orange County, CA?
